Monday 30 May 2011

Da Doc's Konar (1)

Greetings my fellow homo sapiens!

This is a new segment that Mr. Smear T is putting up for the readers!! Da Doc's Konar will host a number of guests in this segment to talk about their experiences and knowledge they have gained throughout life.

Life is not merely just a four letter word which starts with the letter "L", but the vast diversity of meanings towards the entire personification of the word signifies the well-being of the "infestification" throughout the time during which man journeys. The walk of life throughout history has been unique by whomever dared to strike the first leg out, no matter if its the left or the right leg.

In the absence of the great minds who had forged history, namely, Albert Einstein, Malcolm X, Kunta Kinte, and Mr. Smear T's personal best, Samir Aris, Da Doc will try his best to get them to Da Doc's Konar in ways which only Da Doc knows which surpasses the limited knowledge of an average human being.

Despite of the major development in Science and Technology, none can compare to the massive reincarnation (not susu carnation) of the manifestation of Da Doc's ability to manipulate minds of the pseudo generation.

Da Doc, who recently obtained a Degree in Pseudology from the University of Meng Arut in the Northern territory of the South of the Eastern tribe of Z. Zainal somewhere near Kampung Bedok will try to make this segment fun and exciting...

To Hermi Rizal who has left a comment on the previous post... i have to disagree to what u said before about M.B.R is the one who discovers "da konar".. The reason is because long before the existence of "da Konar", gangs from the peaceful Sembarangz had already discovered the impact of "Da Macho Konar" which evolves to be "da Konar".... The pic below proves it all:

Da Macho Konar 2000

So Mr. Razor, I hope you stop all this funny funny stunts in claiming things for the M.B.R...!! Its the Sembarangz that were the pioneers!!




  1. to my friend, confidante, personal coach, alibi, brother in Islam, and my brother of different father and mother, i regret that you should start a 'war' with me! nevertheless, due to me being the better Samaritan, and member of the ever-popular MBR, i rilek. i rilek..yes the picture says it all..but you forget Mr Smear T. U didnt see, that the person heading the group in that Macho Kornar is none other than the man himself, Mr Bin J. Jr, co-founder of MBR. and where the hell is Mr. Smear T??? not in the pic sorry. Credits to MBR


    k mintak maaf eh. come let's make up..:)

  2. siapa sial Hermi Rizal?!!! setep abg abg rilek je??

  3. ewah ewah.... sedap nye mulut....

    To Mr. Hermi Rizal, excuse me... "where is Mr. Smear T?" look at the pic again bro, if u cant see, please wear your glasses and stop wearing contacts!! and when u see it u can see most of the guys are made up of the Sembarangz clan... Syahmi, Atan, Zul and yours truly...! hahaha!! oh no! but wait! where is the Razor?? no where to be found!! dont start a war with me boy!!! the fans of the world wont like it!! muahahahah... muahhahahaa.... muahhahaa (evil laugh macam jalaluddin hassan in Jangan Pandang belakang movie)

    and to sarip dol!! please do not use vulgarities... i know u are samseng kampung dusun, but please do not memalukan bangsa melayu dlm blog Mr. Smear T ini... one more time u do it... aku korek korek biji mata kau baru tau!!

    Sekian, Nantikanlah!
