Thursday 5 May 2011

Bedtime Stories

Hello people of the world!!

Here, in this segment, i will write and talk about some tales and short stories to fill the emptiness in the lives of the lonely creatures all over the world. These tales will include stories told by my ancestors and the people around. Please do not believe these tales or myths and legends, keep an open mind towards the stories and if it gives a meaningful lesson to any individuals out there, feel free to learn from it.

there will be popular fan favourite stories such as, "Sang Kancil dengan Sang Buaya", "Sang Harimau dgn Sang Nila Utama", "Si Luncai dgn labu labunya!" biarkan..... dan juga, not forgetting the top ten favourite, "Sang Mellow dgn Sang Possum" and "Sang Wan and Sang Russian Girl" hehe..

ok no hal no worries
naik kapal naik lorries!

ape ape HARAP ENJOY and Nantikanlah!


  1. Jangan lupe Mister Jam 12...HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

  2. By the way, ur gambar lame ah! Nak photoshop pun tak professional sangat, tak proportionate! Hahhahhahhhahahha But the afro-do is classic!

  3. Mistery jam 12?!! hmmm... idea jugak tu... boleh boleh, nantikan aku bukak segment tu... cerita2 hantu hantu di Aussie!! hehe

    tu gambar gua buat zaman 2001 lah beb. time photoshop baru keluar, tu time amateur... lagipun tu pun dah cukuplah... pasal Pablo tak suke kalau aku taruk gambar ory kite lah. so no hal ah..

  4. nasib baik tak de my name when u say sang mallow sang posum lol.

  5. haha... becoz actually it is supposed to be a scary story and mellow looks scarier.. its abt how Sang Mellow takutkan Sang Possum sampai Sang Possum menggigil ketakutan... hehehe

  6. kesian sang possum tu kan....haha.

  7. u jgn ckp byk.... nanti Sang Zaza pun ade masuk dlm cerita!!hahaha
