Wednesday 18 May 2011

As per requested: My new HQ

Hello People of the World!! (Pot-W!!)

Da Face
As requested by chelmanu2, (entah siape entah ni orang...?? gadis misteri mane entah?? eksyen betul!!) Encik Smear T telah pun memetik gambar di HQ baru beliau!! dan followings adalah gambar gambar nya!
Da WatchTower

Da Job

La Posta

Da Rilek Korna
Road to Da Kitch
Highway to Hell

Da Kitch
Da Pool
Da Spa

Da Back

Da Jungle

 I hope that this is enough to tickle ur bones chelmanu2! Will have more time to update the segments hopefully next week!!

Anyways!! Da Doc gotta go!!

Always nice to hear from you.... and keep on Nantikanlah!!


  1. WAH!!!! Happy! Happy! Finally got pictures!

    Eh...the house v girl ah? Pink bathroom, pretty kitchen... Muahahhahhahha takpe lah kan, u kan 'man' enuf to handle the girlishness...Ade buai-buai pulak tu... u jangan berangan nak try ah... jahanam nanti...

    Is this gonna for long-term?

  2. thanx zaza, bile mau dtg rilek main buai??! haha..

    to chelmanu2: yea i know very girley, this is so to encourage more girls to come and hang.. hehe..


  3. pick me up plsssss~ eh im thinking of stopping by wans place on sat...nk join tak?

  4. no worries, no hal... but saturday cannot lah. me got football, maybe after i will stop by...

    insya Allah.... maybe sunday kalau free can come to my house and main swing!


  5. wah..nice house. ada porch lagi. boleh dok kat buai, strum guitar..menjiwang2. hehee..berapa ramai your housemate, samir?

  6. Buai laju-laju
    Sampai pokok puru...
    Apa dalam baju
    Seekor kata puru!!!!

    Muahahaha untuk di nyanyi bile main buai-buai...

  7. hey lisa..! eh apedaa..?! mane ade jiwang2 lagi... start living lah sista! haha! housemate cume fariza je at the moment..

    eh chelmanu2!! lagu ni pulak yg nak nyanyi bile sdg swing?? kite nak nyanyi lagu Sephia lah... baru best! boleh makan apple skali!! hehe..

  8. hei Da Doc ku boleh main buai tak... teringat zaman2 kita main pelapah kelapa....

  9. hahaha!! kau nak main ape pun boleh beb... cume lu mesti mau datang sini je lah.... amcm?? bile mau dtg?? ade apple tree boleh makan apple sambil berbuai buai menyanyi lagu fantasia bulan madu!!

    ajak Atan and The Sembarangz skali and juga M.B.R!!

    hahaha! rupenye video lame kite dulu kat sini dgn aku di aussie!! hahahaha!
