Thursday 16 June 2011

bgn pagi gosok gigi (6)

Eh ape ni?!!

Aku senyum bukan kerana nama
pagi pagi buat gua fed up ah!! dah lah sejuk menggigil gua... teringat gua dulu time time kat hutan Taiwan kat bukit objective "Liverpool", tgk gambar sebelah tu tersenge-senge. dah lah hujan bertubi-tubi, angin dingin bersepoi-sepoi, bergolek-golek di tanah liat tanah pusaka Encik Lim, malam pulak scary like a G-six, bangun pagi whoosh...! sejuk beb, gua cakap lu.... gua igt that time gua kat Russia lah beb...

Tapi Pot-W, i hope u dont angry lah... Mr. Smear T not angry at you all.. He just fed up lah... you know lah. its just one of those days...

gua bukan ape kawan kawan..... gua bangun, gua found out yang kain pelekat gua punye bunga sudah hancur lah.. gua semalam malam gua dah lah ikat nice nice like a G-six macam legend kite P.Ramlee. Bunga die pun sudah cantik... sakali bangun pagi semua telah hancur... whatda man..?? itu baru satu kawan kawan... lagi satu pulak gua punye stokin tido pulak satu kat tingkap, lagi satu dekat atas kipas... whatda man...?? gua hairan macam haiwan lah.... gua tau gua tido lasak beb, kate rock! tapi takkan lah sampai melampaui batas?? Sesungguhnye Nenekku tidak suka dengan orang yang melampaui batas, apatah lagi dengan orang yang berhidup malas. Tapi what can gua buat beb? gua unconscious! not gua's fault. Rilek tetap Rilek beb! sorry nek!

Today segmen ni tak banyak bende yang gua mau say lah... gua cume frust aje lah... fed up sikit je lah...

cuma gua harap, suatu hari nanti, pastikan bercahaya. Pintu akan terbuka, kita langkah bersama!!!

ok chiao! jgn lupe hello hello!!


Monday 13 June 2011

Then & Now (1)

Once again, Mr. Smear T will open a new segment for his blog!!!

Thousand apologies... (Shake head) for not updating "Da Blog" due to laziness... biase lah orang melayu.... Like P.Ramlee used to say, "Irama dan lagu tidak boleh dipisah", Da Doc likes to say, "Malas and Melayu susah nak dipisahkan"

Anyways, enough of the small talk... lets get into the big news now..
This segment will talk about the past, present and sometimes future. It may not only be about yours truly Mr. Smear T.... but however, it may also be of everything else... for example, 

Then: people uses birds as messengers to send long messages across long distances.
Now: people uses facebook just to say "Hi" to the neighbours

Then: people uses a camera to take photos of joy and happiness
Now: people uses cellphones to take photos of joy and sorrow

Then: Bedtime stories only have Sang Kancil and Friends
Now: Bedtime stories have Sang Mellow and Sang Possum

There will be more to come about the topic. Its just a matter of whether or not Mr. Smear T have the time and the lack of laziness to fulfil his promise to entertain the Pot-W. Hope Don't Shy!

SO as for this time's segment, Mr. Smear T would like to share a bit of his own history. What started off as a simple kampung boy evolves to a simpler kampung boy..... As usual, photos are as shown.

Singapore Kallang Stadium

This photo is taken way back when the Kallang Roar was said to be revived by the Singapore Die Hard Fans. However, it was dead even before it started. As it was already known, Mr. Smear T was a passionate Die-Hard Fan of the Singapore football, but it was only during the Malaysian Cup Glory days... 

During which the Legendary Capitano Fandi Ahmad used to lead the team to victories, scoring goals like playing under the void deck (bawah blok) where using "slipar" as goalposts was permitted by the FIFA "under void deck" ruling. Not forgetting Mr. Smear T's favourite number 14, Steven Tan!!! Mr. Super-Sub who made being on the bench was an Honour and Special. Steven Tan made every player wants to be on the bench. Maybe that is the main cause of the downfall of Singapore football. Instead of fighting for playing in the First eleven, everyone is fighting to be on the bench...

Also not forgetting his best friend, Mr. Lim Tong Hai!! One of the best defenders and the top scorer for the team. He even won the all-time top scorer for a central defender award!! WOW!! that is amazing!! if only he had found the right goal, Fandi Ahmad would not have to score as many goals as he had to win the matches. Let us not worry about that any more...

Those were the days when the Kallang Roar was heard from the west to the east down to the south up to the north!! Even the causeway shook at the sound of the ROAR and the Malaysian Army immediately prepared themselves to defend the shores of Johore, thinking that the ROAR of the Lions would destroy Singgah Selalu and Anjung Warisan restaurant and Larkin market..... 

Even though the Roar slowly dies into the mists, the Lion Spirit and the roar will always be in the hearts of the true Die Hard Fans! Sing it with Mr. Smear T if you know the song!

Thank you, We say Thank you!
To the Die Hard Fans!!
Cause you're number 1!!!


Years past and as Mr. Smear T grows older and some say wiser, other says "nothing changed, still the same black dude who is always up to his shenanigans." anyways, years still pasts and even though Mr. Smear T does not agree with the fact that too many non-Singaporeans are playing in the Singapore team, Mr. Smear T will always be patient and wait for one day, all will be well and back to the glory days!! 

How can people who did not go through National Service play for the National Team???!! Please somebody explain to me!! Mr. Mourinho!! Mr. Barrack Obama!! Mr. Osama!! Mr. Lee Kwan Yew!! I demand you do something about this!! it breaks my heart!! So what that u have built Singapore to what it is now...??? Nothing you do impresses me, unless you bring back the Kallang Roar and the glory days!!!

Only The Budget X Football Club was the closest to bring the Roar back!! Go Green!! Go Budget!!! Keep the Green and Gold Flag Flying!!!

Speaking about the Green and Gold!! Now Mr. Smear T is Aussie-nised! Mr. Smear T has searched high and low, far and wide for the football spirit and a country to support with full passion and support. Now he has found one! With the colours of the Budget X FC, comes the Socceroos!!

Adelaide Oval, South Australia
Now that Mr. Smear T is a part of the multi-cultural and big nation of the Down-Under, he has found one to support, and even on to the World Cup!! A nation who is new in Football, has vast improved and expand beyond Asia to Europe! Famous names like Harry Kewell, Mark Schwarzer, Mark Viduka and many more has come back to serve the nation in football!! (However all these is nothing compared to Fandi Ahmad who scored in the European Cup!!)

The pic shows the Socceroos Vs New Zealand friendly match which the Socceroos easily won it by 3 goals to nothing. Great effort mates!!

Eh ape daa...?? panjang pulak type type ni... leceh betul.... dah start malas pulak nak continue... 

sorry lah guys... maybe i continue next time... dah start malas lah ni...

Ok oOk ok!! wat wat, HARAP ENJOY!!! dan Nantikanlah!